Hibiscus totuosus  Roxb.
Hibiscus tortuosus  Rox.  

Medium tree, 15 m high, deliquiscent branched, evergreen, perennial tree with mucilaginous latex 
Tap root system much spreading and deep sunken in the soil 
Apical shoot not gregarously covered by leaves, green, terete, infrequently lenticel present, solid, woody. nodes not ridged 
Bark grey black 
Leaves simple, alternate, inter stipular, ovate, acute, basal curved, gree, pubescent, cpriaceous 
Lamina 8.5 cm long 9.5 cm wide, purely cordate, slightly wavy, acuminate, coriaceous, dorsoventral, dorsal greenish, ventral whitish green, ventral surface rough, unicosate tericulate venation conspicuously found. 
Inflorescence cyme, peduncle having generally two flowers, one mature while other young i.e. unequal maturation, bracteate, bracts 2 on both sides 
Flower bisexual, complete, regular, showy, large, epicalyx 5, fused, cup shaped, inferior, 5 apical lobes found at young stage but through maturation each lobe bifurcates, total 10 lobes are formed. 
Sepals 5, polysepalous, lanceolate, entire, acute, hairy on both surfaces, inner surface shiny, inferior, imbricate, greenish, equal length, opposite to epicalyx, shorter than corolla. 
Petals 5, polypetalous, twisted, inferior, slightly fused at base, deep red eye spot at basal interior side, glabrous, showy, deep yellow, deciduous, longitudinal 10 - 12 red veins upward parallely 
Stamens monadelphous, filament fuse to form staminal column basally adhered to coralla 
carpels 5, syncarpous, superior, pyramidal shaped, whitish green, glabrous, fleshy, 2 chambered, amany ovules in two series in each chamber, axile placentation 
Style 1, terminal, soft, whitish, glabrous, terete 
Stigma 5, 0.8 cm long, each part distinctly separated, gradually thick towards terminal end, pubescent, blackish red distinct. 
Fruit a capsule having persistent calyx, rough surface, 5 parts dehisces through longitudinal suture after maturation.